連結的聲明 2001.09.15








當美國政府指認奧薩瑪.賓拉登(Osama bin Laden)和其他中東阿拉伯國家是兇手時,我們必須提醒美國政府,沒有你們提供大量支援和訓練,奧薩瑪.賓拉登,不會有發動大規模攻擊行動的實力,他是中情局的產物。當你們把奧薩瑪.賓拉登當作煽動回教基本教義派來對抗蘇聯的武器時,你們是毫不在乎地支持他使用這種大規模的殺戮手段。為了對抗伊朗,雷根和布希政府更長期支持伊拉克海珊政權,放任他們發展核生化武器和鎮壓庫德族人。如果奧薩瑪.賓拉登和海珊是恐怖主義,美國政府就是包庇和支持恐怖主義的元兇!


當美國政客要求提高情治單位權力時,我們相信電影「全民公敵」(Enemy of the State)中,國家干涉、破壞人民自由的情節將在現實中不斷上演,甚至更為嚴重。美國情報機構每年花費龐大的經費仍無法防止911悲劇的發生,卻造就了破壞民主、鎮壓社會改革運動的利器。中情局不但在國內踐踏民權,更在海外進行恐怖活動,推翻進步的民選政府(如1954年的瓜地馬拉總統阿本斯、1973年的智利總統阿葉德),摧殘社會改革運動,今年8月28日在宏都拉斯前中情局基地挖掘的大量工運人士遺骸只是這些罪行的冰山一角。美國前總統、現任總統之父George H.W. Bush是中情局的前任局長,他正是犯罪集團中的一員。




1. 堅決反對任何人對阿拉伯裔居民、回教徒和其他少數族裔的攻擊、羞辱、歧視和騷擾,制止各國政府對他們進行非法濫權、歪曲事實的搜捕和控訴,極少數人的行為不能由多數無辜民眾承擔,何況至今仍沒有任何直接證據顯示某國或某集團涉案。當911慘劇發生的那刻起,在美國境內的許多黑暗角落,極右翼份子正積極籌畫各種暴力行動,我們絕不能讓他們得逞,製造更多的悲劇。

2. 堅決反對美國的各種報復手段,反對美國政府藉機擴張權力。不論是軍事報復還是經濟制裁都不會帶來和平,反而會傷害更多平民,激起更多仇恨,而強化國家權力、擴大情報機構權限不能確保安全,反而會強化鎮壓少數族裔、婦女和各種社會改革運動的工具,破壞美國的民主制度,剝奪人民的自由。正如同我們不會幻想美軍能真正保障台灣人民的安全一樣,要真正保障美國人民的安全與自由,唯一方法就是美國人民化悲憤為力量,積極奮鬥,要求美國政府改變對外政策,反對美國統治階級對其他國家的軍事侵略、政治控制和經濟掠奪,反對美國政府假借正義與美國利益之名,對第三世界人民進行屠殺與鎮壓。我們也會積極反對台灣政府一面倒的親美政策,因為這種政策完全無視美國政府帶給各國人民的苦難,也極有可能使台灣成為報復攻擊的目標。

親愛的美國人民,我們反對美國政府對內對外的壓迫性政策,卻對美國人民有著深厚的感情,我們知道美國有著寬容、自由的歷史傳統,《獨立宣言》曾激動了全世界千百萬追求自由民主的人心。美國歷史上產生了海倫凱勒(Hellen Keller)、尤金德布斯(Eugene V. Debs)、馬丁路德金(Martin Luther King)、麥爾坎X等偉大的社會運動家,1960年代美國的婦女運動、黑人民權運動、學生運動和印地安人的反抗感染了全世界追求正義的人們。從越戰到海灣戰爭,無數的美國人民勇敢的起來反對美國政府的侵略政策,甚至獻出了寶貴的生命。我們相信,這一次的慘劇仍將使我們團結在一起,共同撫平傷痛和消弭民族間的仇恨,反對美國政府和一切不公不義的政權與集團,為實現一個沒有恐懼、沒有壓迫的社會而奮鬥!

台灣連結 2001年9月15日


No True Peace without True Justice

A Letter to the American People

Dear American people:

    We, activists of social movements in Taiwan, have been devoted to the realization of a democratic, equal, and peaceful society. Here we would like to express our sincerest sympathy and solicitude for all the victims of the terrorist attacks on September 11.

    We, just like you, are strongly opposed to such attacks that would inflict heavy casualties on the civilians. Terrorist atrocity will never be of any help to realize justice and peace, but do tremendous harm to people’s mutual understanding and solidarity all over the world and even justify and intensify the rulers’ oppression and domination.

    We, nevertheless, are different from those ruling elites like Bush, Powell, Rumsfeld, and Clinton. As a member of the Third World, we are clearly aware that what the successive U.S. governments have done account for the tragedy.

    When there are scenes of Palestinian youth on TV celebrating the attack on the US, we feel heartily sorry. But we also know that their family and friends are jailed in Israel as a result of fighting for freedom, or are maimed by the Israeli army. We can wholly understand the bitterness and resentment of the Palestinian peoplemany of them still live in the refugee campswhen the Israeli government does not cease to hinder the reconciliation between Palestine and Israel, denies the Palestinian right to self-determination, colonizes the Palestinian areas, and assails the Palestinian civilians. The US government, however, has constantly backed these atrocities carried out by Israel. On Sep. 3, several days before the attack, the US government withdrew from the World Conference against Racism, refusing to denounce the torments brought about by Israel.

    When the US government decides to take revenge by air force, we cannot help but think of the Serbian people who lost their lives because of the savage bombing made by NATO chiefly composed of the US army throughout 78 days. The US troops used a huge amount of depleted uranium (DU) ammunition, which according to the research may do harm to human bodies. In 1991, 290 tons of DU were utilized in the Gulf War, and it was reported that 500 thousand people died chronically and numberless Iraqi children suffered from incurable diseases or deformities; thousands of the US soldiers caught the “Gulf War Syndrome.” Moreover, the chemical outflows from bombing Yugoslavia have given rise to the ecological catastrophe in Europe, e.g., made the blue Danube a dead one.

    That the US government starts to deploy ground forces also reminds us of the American youth who died in the Vietnam War, and those who were massacred by B52 and ground troops in Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia. We know that in Indo-China there are still hundreds of thousands of deformed children as a result of the use of “Agent Orange” by the US air force. We can’t forget that on May 4, 1970, four American students were shot dead by the government for their opposing the Vietnam War. We remember that the US army had occupied Cuba for a long time since 1899, invaded Nicaragua in 1909 and 1925, Haiti in 1915, the Dominican Republic in 1916 and 1965, Lebanon in 1958 and 1982, Cuba in 1961, Grenada in 1983, Panama in 1989, and so on.

    If the US government insists that Osama bin Laden be responsible for the attack, we have to point out that he wouldn’t have had such power to launch a large-scale attack without the US government’s generous financial aid and training. He is the corollary of the CIA. When the US government fanned up Islamic fundamentalism and made use of Bin Laden as a weapon against the Soviet Union, it did not hesitate about upholding such large-scale terrorist means. In order to confront Iran, Reagan and Bush administrations had incessantly backed Saddam Hussein regardless of his suppressing the Kurd and developing NBC weapons. If Bin Laden and Saddam Hussein are viewed as terrorists, then the US government is the arch-criminal that shields and supports terrorism!

    When the US government condemns out of a sense of justice those “rogue states” that shelter “terrorists,” we know it has supported world-wide corrupt dictatorships that crack down on the people, quell democracy, and suppress social movements over a long period of time: the racist regime in South Africa, the military regime in El Salvador and Argentina, Fulgencio Batista in Cuba, the Somoza dynasty in Nicaragua, Pinochet in Chile, the Duvalier dynasty in Haiti, Mohammed Pahlavi in Iran, Rhee Syngman, Park Chunghee, and Chun Doowhan in South Korea, Ferdinand Marcos in Philippines, Suharto in Indonesia, etc. In Taiwan, our homeland, the US government had made the long-term KMT dictatorial regime possible, permitting it to implement the white terror policy, which remains fresh in our memory. With exporting its capital to Taiwan, the US government also forces us to build hazardous nuclear power plants which has brought disaster to our environment and workers.

    When the US politicians ask for more power of intelligence agencies, we believe that the chimerical ideas in the film, Enemy of the State, will be embodied in the daily life. The large expenditure of money on intelligence should have prevented the tragedy on Sep. 11, but it only served as the weapon against democracy and social reform. While suppressing civil rights about domestic issues, the CIA also engaged in overseas terrorist activities such as overthrowing progressive elected governments (e.g. Jacobo Arbenz in Guatemala in 1954 and Salvador Allende in Chile in 1973) and eradicating all social movements. The large number of bones of labor movement participants unearthed at the former CIA base in Honduras this year were just the tip of an iceberg. George H. W. Bush, the former president of the US and father of the current president, was the former CIA director, that is, a partner in crime.

    Dear American people, we believe you are aware that the Bush Administration  lacks for legitimacy, and as you probably know, this results partly from the systematic deprivation of minority groups’ civil rights. His winning the presidency also depended on two things: a 5-4 Supreme Court vote and an officially certified victory of 537 votes in Florida. In nationwide, the total votes of Bush were even 550 thousands less than Gore. We, and the rest of the world, were impressed with the President’s inauguration that accompanied so vigorous protests. While it’s pressing to let everyone forget his failure in dealing with the economic recession, and his breaking the agreement on environmental protection and arms control, the Bush Administration must wage war to overcome this eco-political crisis.

    Military retaliation will not protect the American civilians, but stir up more intense hatred; it will not lead to durable peace, but agitate international tension.

    At this moment, dear American people, we have to appeal to each of you:


1. All of us must be opposed to all the harassment, attack, insult, discrimination, accusation, ransack, and arrest aimed at Arabian people, Moslem, and other minority groups. They are not responsible for what’s done by only a few people, not to mention that no direct evidence is afforded to target at any specific country or group. From now on, we must stop the right wing from resorting to violent means that will cause tragedies over and over again.

2. All of us must be opposed to all the US government’s retaliatory measures and its taking advantage of the present occasion to expand power. Neither military retaliation nor economic sanction will bring forth peace, but strengthen state power, justify the suppression of minority groups, women, and social reform, corrode the institution of democracy, and deprive people of elementary freedoms. The only way to ensure the American people’s safety and freedom is work together to reject the government’s foreign policy: military intervention, political domination and economic appropriation of other countries by the US. ruling elites; suppression and slaughter of the Third World people in the name of justice and American interests. We will also oppose the Taiwan government’s policy that’s erroneously partial to the US, because it does not take into consideration the harm done by the US to people all over the world, and possibly make Taiwan a target of revenge.


Dear American people, in spite of our strong objection to the US government’s unjust policy, we have deep affection for you, the American people. We know that America maintains a tradition of tolerance and liberty, for the Declaration of Independence has impassioned all who long for democracy and liberty. In the history of America there are unsurpassed social movement leaders such as Hellen Keller, Engene Debs, Martin Luther King, and Malcolm X. The women’s movement, civil rights movement, student movement and the resistance of Indians in America during the 1960s have encouraged all who quest for justice. From the Vietnam War to the Gulf War, countless Americans bravely struggled against the government’s aggressive policy, and some of them even lost their lives. We believe, this time the tragedy will all the more unite us: let our grief be soothed and racial hatred be terminated; let us stand hand in hand to fight against the US government and all the unjust regimes and for a society free from fear and oppression!



                                 Linkage, Taiwan, 15th September 2001.

 Address  FL3 No2 Alley12  Lane 310 Sec 3 Mu Hsin RD , Taipei   116,  Taiwan

 E-mail linkage.taiwan@msa.hinet.net


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